Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stella and the Bean...

I am a genuinely happy person that leads a pretty ordinary life that includes many extraordinary things. The one thing that can always bring a smile to my face(besides my Fiancée) is Stella....and usually her bean.

In January of 2010 John and I went to the York ASPCA to "look" at kittens. We visited with a few and did not click with them. Then I saw her, the card said "Cartlin: Very Affectionate" While all the rest of the cats were practically doing flips and screaming "Pick Me, Pick Me" there was Cartlin taking a nap. They brought her to us in the visiting room and she let us pick her up and love her. I fell in love on the spot. I had to have her! So we did the paperwork and after she had her "operation" we could pick her up and bring her home. There was much deliberation about what her name would be and it was finally narrowed down to "Nova" and "Stella". A week later we got to bring home our tiny little fur baby!

After we brought her home we decided Stella was the perfect name for her. She settled in quickly and was a great company and comic relief for us. We made it through the winter and eventually the snow melted and things started to green up and grow. John has quite the green thumb and decided to grown green beans among other things. After the first harvest we noticed every time we put beans on the counter somehow they would end up on the floor. Then we caught the culprit “red pawed”.

And so Stella’s love for beans was born. She runs after them and brings them back. We can say, “Stella, do you want a Bean?” and she meows. I find myself being the “bean maid” at the grocery store and picking through the selection very carefully to find the “perfect” beans. So to all you green bean eaters in Central PA I apologize if your beans have been scrawny as of late, Stella deserves the best.

So when and if you come to my house and you see what may look like green dried up snot on my carpet…it is just a bean that has seen better days. Never in my life have I seen an animal love anything more than my Cat and her Green beans!

As I sit and type this she is sitting in front of John with her bean at his feet meowing at him to throw it for her. She must be the funniest kitty ever!

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